Write For Us

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Would you like to share your ideas and insights with a wider audience? digiexs offers you the platform to do just that. Join our community of writers and contribute to our engaging blog.

Why Write For Us: At Digiexs, we believe in diverse voices and fresh perspectives. Writing for us means reaching a global readership and showcasing your expertise.

What We’re Looking For: We welcome articles related to categories. Bring your unique angle and contribute informative, well-crafted pieces.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Original, Well-Written Content
  • 0% Grammatical Mistakes 
  • Word Count: 600-1000 Words
  • Include Images or Media
  • Proper Formatting for Readability
  • Accurate Sources and Citations
  • Send Google DOCS or MS Words File
  • Attach Grammarly Report
  • Attach Quetext Plagiarism report

How to Submit: Email your article to gameingchair315@gmail.com. Our editorial team will review and respond within 24hr.

Join Us: Share your insights with the world. Be a part of digiexs and start your writing journey today!

Contact Us: For inquiries, email gameingchair315@gmail.com.

We’re excited to read your contributions!